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Bio of Tsholo Sehume

Tsholo Bio

Born in the North West Province in South Africa, two career changes later; this is what I do currently…

  1. I guide individuals, groups and organisations towards personal and professional growth through achieving clarity in seven key areas, empowering them to chart personalised paths towards their aspirations.
  2. I provide services that include keynote addresses, workshops, coaching (group / one-on-one sessions), online courses, and more. I’m dedicated to creating spaces to catalyse growth and collaboration, encouraging a supportive environment for individuals to learn and develop.

  3. Beyond these, I enjoy creating material/content that is nurturing, and in the domain of community building. Somehow, I keep returning to doing these things even when they sometimes bring me discomfort.

  4. I recently ventured into writing and publishing through which I share my insights and findings; inspiring others on their journeys. I’m driven by a desire to make a positive impact. Whether through community initiatives or simply offering a helping hand, I strive to contribute meaningfully to the world around me.

  5. Lastly, I serve as an AHC Coach, facilitating group and individual sessions – providing accountability support for people seeking to achieve their goals.

Oh, yes and it’s worth a mention that…

Everything I have mentioned above happened only after an awe-inspiring and life-altering experience, whereafter I developed the self-mastery framework upon which the Audacious Humility Compass (AHC) is built. Since this experience, I have so far written and published more than 4 books, invested in my spiritual growth, spoken on stages to a few hundred people, implemented community empowerment initiatives, and started iYana.

My work time is split between contractor work, passion projects and the continuation of research, development and the delivery of talks, coaching, and other services and programs linked to the AHC, writing and iGnite.

‘Me time’ is invested in seeking growth, healing, balance and self-mastery… You know?…building my AHC!

Ka lerato,

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On iYana iGnite, Tsholo creates a space to explore various personal navigation systems for life’s adventures. It’s all about listening to or looking at what our guests say works, poke holes into what doesn’t work, and then chart our paths. We ignite conversations, attempt to tap into others’ lived experiences, and hopefully walk away with something beneficial for us who seek.

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Where i am, sometimes.

Verdwaal II Village, North West, South Africa, 2744

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